Is it worth it?
When you're new, beekeeping can be tough, frustrating, and discouraging.
Most people leave their day jobs and head home to relax. Not us. We leave our full-time jobs to go work our other full-time job… Bee 901 Co.
We trade our business casual attire for a sweaty, smokey bee suit.
Usually, our first thought when we light-up the smoker is, "Let's see how screwed up our hives are." Negative thoughts from the beginning. Not a good way to start.
Honestly, most days we don't want to check bees. We don't want to flirt with heat strokes. We don’t want to sweat gallons. And we definitely don’t want to get stung. Most days we’d rather be lazy. But we made a commitment to ourselves and Memphians in need.
Sometimes we wonder why we keep enduring this headache called "beekeeping." Now don't get us wrong, if you know what you're doing and Mother Nature is being nice to you, beekeeping is great. We're still learning and Mother Nature is being a bully to us this year. Most days it’s just not worth it. That might be because we can barely keep our heads above water managing 15 hives. That’s a lot of hives when you’re inexperienced.
But then, we come across pictures like this and we are instantly reminded of our "why." Our reason for starting this business.
Kevin and Nathan with Gary in his custom-made wheelchair. The wheelchair was purchased with 100% of 2018’s honey sales.
Meet Gary. In the past, his standard wheelchair caused him to tip over, slide-out, and sometimes bang his head on the floor. The nursing home tried and tried to get insurance to help pay for a custom wheelchair. The insurance company said "No." And that’s where Bee 901 Co. steps in. When we say Bee 901 Co. we mean us, the bees, and you. 100% of 2018’s honey sales bought Gary the custom-made wheelchair he needed and deserved.
When we see photos like this, it’s like an instant B-12 shot to our arms. It gives us that jolt and motivates us to keep pushing forward.
That’s when our minds shift gears. Suddenly we go from “beekeeping stinks” to “beekeeping is great!” At that moment, beekeeping really is worth the headaches and body aches. It’s worth the constant exhaustion and frustration.
Because we’re creating sweeter lives in Memphians in need with life-changing honey.
Plus, we guarantee you, if given the choice, any resident in that nursing home would love to have our problems. They would love to be able to walk outside to a bee farm and check bees after a long day at the office. They would love to be able to lift a 60 lb. box full of honey. They would love to see nature up close and personal even if it means getting stung.
Whatever you’re called to do, it’s smart to take a step back and remind yourself of your “why.”
“Why am I a caretaker?”
“Why am I a first responder?”
“Why am I a nurse?”
Reminding yourself of your mission is a good way to recharge your mental batteries.
Kevin Woods
Creative Director & Beekeeper