Document. Display. Repeat.
Running a business you have to plan for setbacks. Have a few lifeboats ready to go just in case.
That was the plan but good grief. In 2019 we hit the iceberg, backed up, hit it again, backed up and tried to go around, ended up hitting it again.
From early June all the way through October, I had nothing but headaches and setbacks.
As a creative guy, I’ve learned to look at every situation as an opportunity to tell your brand’s story. After all, who wants to watch a movie where nothing goes wrong. Boring.
The “ups” show that you know what you’re doing (sometimes). Plus people like to see happy posts on social media. It’s human nature. People want to see a beautiful photo of a bee covered in pollen. People want to see the nursing home receiving a check for $10K (thank you again, by the way.) Show the good stuff. Reward your audience by giving them something to be happy to view.
But balance is key. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. And that bad thing is boring your audience.
It shows you’re being honest. Showing the “downs” lets your audience know, “Hey, I’m not a know-it-all. Here’s where I messed up. Maybe you can learn from my mistakes.” It’s also more entertaining. (Don’t get me wrong, I would love for things to run smoothly, but stuff happens.)
Ever been to a theme park? The longest lines are always at the more entertaining rides. The roller coasters with the most ups and downs, turns and jolts, are always more successful. People want to be entertained. Give it to them. BUT, don’t go create a problem (or worse, falsely make it up) just so you have something to talk about. Let everything happen naturally.
Look, at the end of the day, it’s all about the process. Documenting and displaying the “ups” and “downs” reinforces your brand’s authenticity. Show the world what it takes to do what you do. If you do it just right, both your brand and your audience will be happy together.
Kevin Woods
Creative Director & Beekeeper